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February 2, 2022 from 9am-2pm PST

Please join us for a virtual community stakeholder event and share your voice and perspective on the current state of Black health in San Joaquin County and what we can do together to advance Black health equity.

The Black Health Agenda (BHA) is a critical component of the Campaign for Black Health Equity, our three-year initiative that aims to close the gap in disparities and improve the life expectancy of African Americans and Black Immigrants in California. You may have participated in the previous process for the BHA, which led to the creation of the 2019 publication.

There are two sections to the event:

I. Keynote: Keynote speakers and panelists will discuss the state of Black Health in multiple focus areas that historically have high disparities including
Maternal Health, COVID-19, and Mental Health. Experts and community members will discuss their experiences within these focus areas with Toni McNeil of Faith in the Valley.

II. Breakout Discussions: During Part II, you and fellow stakeholders will have the opportunity to discuss your views and experiences within San Joaquin County.
These discussions are meant to form partnerships to take concrete action during our next event: The BHA Collective Impact Meeting. Please choose which open forum listening session you would like to join during registration.

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